Monday, July 5, 2010

After 6 months....

my income with adsense was...

almost USD1000 ... but no gain, no pain... me, its all about work smart and hard... gather all the tips make it easier...
Now, I have to work from bottom after quitting adsense for years... ( travelling )

p/s : keep standing, keep your faith... and remember, there is no easy money... but money is all around you....


Anonymous said...

How to joint google adsense

Anonymous said...


You may refer here:

※FuNzZie※ said...

Why u quit adsense and would you share with me how do u earn USD1000 and how do you gain the traffic there? Can free blog really earn from adsense or do i need to pay and register a domain? I don;t see much traffic in my blog " -)

Thanks and best rgds,